The House Team is moving from bright neon to bright stars, from big Casinos to big weather,
from wide open desert to wide open farm land, and from big city to big country. We are going back to western Illinois to the place where we grew up and we are ready for the change. Our roots are deep in Adams County. We'll be the sixth generation to live on the home place and our kids will be the seventh. Even Bugsie Segal's kids can't say that about Vegas, and he invented the place.
We have had a great experience in Las Vegas and have thoroughly learned the real estate trade. As grandad said, don't learn the tricks of the trade, learn the trade, and we did. We also served hundreds of wonderful people who became our clients and friends over the past decade and who sent us their repeat business and referrals. We protected our clients from the wolves-in-sheep's-clothing, the sharks and barracudas that also inhabit Las Vegas in numbers way above normal. We built a team of house stagers, lenders, home inspectors, and fellow Realtors that served in an ethical, proactive fashion the needs of our clients. We have routinely been in the top 10% of each brokerage where we worked, including Century 21 Aadvantage Gold's Green Valley office when it was the top selling C21 office in the world for two consecutive years (and by chance my office manager there, Sandy Ford, was from Seehorn. You have to be from "back home" to know where that is.) And we never forgot the ethics learned practicing Law in Adams County years ago.
That is the experience we have earned and that we plan to deliver to new clients in Western Illinois once I pass the Illinois Real Estate License Exam and become licensed there later this fall, if all goes well.
And, if you have ever worried that a condo in a lifeless desert may not be the best hedge against what lies ahead, consider, not just a home in the country, but an investment in Illinois tillable land. Land prices have been rising along with cash rents. Land can't burn down, blow away or succumb to vandals. Population is increasing on this planet, everybody has to eat worldwide, and, they aren't making any more land. Think gloablly. Act locally ... Call me.